This fight can't be won if we pull our punches.

  001 DNI  
Under 18, over 40, into vivziepop content (yes, any and all), mormon, into HP, pro-ship / anti-anti, endogenic system, neutral, or support.
Want pda tagged, kin Locus from RVB (My headmate is him and I don't like doubles of him) All other doubles are fine.Think transandrophobia is real, call people the Q slur without their permission, insist it isn't a slur or that thinking the Q slur is a slur is terf rhetoric.If you neg vague mutuals in any way, esp if they're your friends, do NOT follow me. I will hardblock you if you neg vague me instead of just dming me / sending an anon to me or vague me during/after we talk it out.Do not follow if into incest/pseudo-incest, rapeplay, cnc. I don't need to out my trauma for you to respect this boundary.

  002 BYF  
We do not tag PDA, cats, personal posts, rats, and various other things. Do not ever ask me to tag PDA, or cats.
I have severe arachnophobia, parasitophobia, paranoia, and psychosis, and have all things bug related blacklisted. I also blacklist all horror related content and if you don't tag it in some way I won't follow back / will unfollowI have trauma w being negatively vagued by mutuals/friends and react to it poorly, this is not going to change. Neg vague me and I will hardblock you, regardless of if we are friends.I suicide bait nazis and pedophiles and call them out when I see one, i tag it as pedophilia and drama llama, as well as sui baiting. if me suibaiting people who see me as subhuman (nazis) or those that wish to harm children is an issue
Do not follow

Full name:  Newton
Also known as:  Newt ⭒ newty tooty ⭒ faggot (friends only)
Date of birth + age:  03⭒10⭒1999, 25
Gender + pronouns:  transgender ⭒ he⭒him
Orientation:  Bisexual
Zodiac: Pisces ⭒ Pisces sun ⭒ Sagittarius moon ⭒ Libra rising.
Time zone: EST.
Current home:  Ohio
Moral alignment: True Neutral
Enneagram type: Six
Race: White
Temperament: Melancholic
likes + dislikes:  Cats ⭒ wifeband ⭒ crochet / Overworking himself ⭒ spiders ⭒ camping

Married 12-22-22 to the absolute love of my life, I am physically ⭒ mentally disabled, ill, and disordered. OCD ⭒ D.I.D ⭒ anxiety ⭒ depression, ⭒ autism are some of what I am diagnosed with. I am also diabetic type 2 ⭒ Narcoleptic with cataplexy and I do NOT shut the fuck up about it. You can ask about my other diagnosis' but unless you are a mutual I will probably not answer.I love halloween and hate christmas, my religious views are technically Pagan but I am wholly non practicing in any religion. I was born and raised in the mormon church and despise it.

I am very affectionate with my friends and I do not tag PDA, if you're my friend and don't want me to be as affectionate towards you let me know and I will stop immediately.I reclaim the F slur and T slur. All slurs are tagged on my account.I tend to get into drama, such as lgbtcourse, syscourse, shipcourse (I am an "anti") and others, I do my best to keep all drama tagged by what kind of drama it is. Catch all drama tag is "#Drama llama".

Don't follow if shared!

Madara Uchiha (NARUTO)♡
Tobirama Senju (NARUTO)♡
Itachi Uchiha (NARUTO)♡
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)♡
James Ironwood (RWBY)♡
Locus (RVB)♡

Only those marked with the heart (♡) are romantic attachments. Not all romo attachments are for kin reasons.

OK to follow!

Prompto Argentum (FFXV)♡
Gladiolus Amicitia (FFXV)♡
Ignis Scientia (FFXV)♡
Nyx Ulric (FFXV)♡
Cor Leonis (FFXV)
Jason Todd (DC)
Damian Wayne (DC)
Tim Drake (DC)
Bruce Wayne (DC)
Koriand'r (DC)♡
Pretty much everyone in the RVB series.